I work with all my students individually in-person and online. I enjoy creating unique lesson plans for each student depending upon level and ability. I accept students from age 7 to adult. Lessons are 30, 45, or 60 minutes. I specialize in intermediate and advanced piano levels, but accept all levels including beginners.
I encourage every student to perform at least once a year, with most doing more than that. Opportunities range from informal studio classes at my home to recitals at Kerrytown Concert House. Online performances have included sending Youtube links to residents in care homes. I strive to meet our digital natives by using online platforms and asynchronous resources.
Many of my students participate in the Michigan Music Teachers Association's Student Achievement Test and the Junior Festival sponsored by the Ann Arbor Music Club. I teach a well-rounded approach to music which includes music theory, history, and ear training.
Contact me here to find out more!